We are being featured on Grey Likes Weddings today!

Violet and Romel's Cathedral wedding and SF City Hall reception were absolutely stunning. I have been dying to see this feature from Grey Likes Wedding because I knew it was going to be absolutely gorgeous! Well, the day has come. Violet and Romel's wedding is being featured on Grey Likes Weddings today and we couldn't be more excited about it! Take a look! 

We are being featured on Trendy Bride once again!

One of my favorite styled shoots from the Kurt Boomer Workshop is being featured on Trendy Bride today! I am so grateful and excited to see it live. I'd like to send a big thank you to the Workshop team, Trendy Bride, and to everyone who helped make this shoot as stunning as it is! I had such a great time photographing it and am so excited to share it with you all!